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When using visual schedules it can be useful to have the pictures attached to a sheet with velcro so your child can physically take the picture off when the activity is complete.


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Visuals are very helpful with children with no or low verbal skills.

Visual Schedules


First - Then Statements


A First-Then Board can be a visual repsentation of 2 steps of a schedule or a visual display of something preferred that will happen after completing something that is not as preferred.  A First-Then board can help help simplify language and motivate your child to take part in an activity that is not enjoyable by clarifying a preferred activity that will occur after it is over.


How do I teach it and use it?


  • Decide what task you want your child to complete first (what goes in the "First" box) and the preferred item or activity (what goes in the "Then" box) that your child can have as soon as the "First" task is done.

  • The board can also refer to specific steps during the process.  For example, "First shoes, then coat"

  • As soon as the "First" task is over, refer back to the board ("All done with the doctor, now the playground!") and immediately provide access to the "Then" activity.

  • It may be helpful to visually show when the "First" task over, such as marking it out or removing the picture




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